Our aims

  • We want the children to understand that good, nutritious food is essential to their ability to learn as well as to their long-term health.
  • We want the children to apply their knowledge about food and make healthy choices both in and out of school.
  • We want children to be aware of the sugar content of common sugary drinks and the consequences of consuming these regularly; choosing to drink water over these whilst in school or while on school trips.
  • We want the children to enjoy cooking and learn certain core skills by the time they leave the school.

Water in the school

  • Children have access to free and fresh water throughout the school day.
  • Jugs of fresh water are available at lunchtime for all children.
  • The only drink permitted in school outside breakfast clubs, morning break and lunchtime.

Food throughout the school day:

Break Time

  • Children in Key Stage One benefit from the National School Fruit Scheme – this entitles them to one free piece of fruit or vegetable a day.
  • Children in Key Stage Two are allowed to bring fresh fruit or vegetables to eat in the playground.

Lunch Time 

Hot lunch in the dinner hall

  • We aim to provide our children with good quality, healthy food and we actively promote healthy choices.
  • CaterLink, our caterers, work to their own nutrition policy that meets the guidelines laid out by the government. CaterLink cook good quality, healthy food. They do not use GM modified food, seeds, nuts or nut products or additional salt, they actively discourage the use of convenience food and ensure that at least 90% of their dishes are freshly prepared.

Packed lunches and other snacks brought from home 

  • Sweets, chocolate, crisps, fizzy drinks and energy drinks are not permitted in packed lunches or for any other snacks brought from home (e.g. for an after-school club). If they are inadvertently brought into school by a child then parents can collect them at the end of the day.
  • No foods containing nuts or seeds should be brought into the school. This is in order to protect children with allergies to nuts and seeds. Any foods containing nuts or seeds will be removed and can be collected from the office by an adult at the end of the day.
  • Staff to monitor the content of packed lunches to make sure children are not bringing unhealthy snacks or sugary drinks into school or on school trips.
  • CaterLink provide packed lunches for children on Free School Meals for school trips in accordance with their own healthy eating policy and nutritional guidelines.

Food in the Curriculum

  • Formal food education is delivered via the Design &Technology curriculum. Links are made to learning across the curriculum.
  • Each class has at least one planned opportunity to prepare and/or cook food each year.  The food technology programme has been carefully planned to ensure that pupils develop basic skills and try a range of foods.
  • Pupils have opportunities to visit cookery schools and kitchens at local businesses.