Artsmark Gold Award

Holy Trinity has been awarded a prestigious Artsmark Gold Award. This is a great achievement, particularly as our journey was played out against a backdrop of COVID 19.
Artsmark is the only creative quality standard for schools and is accredited by Arts Council England. It is awarded after a rigorous assessment process that ensures that arts, culture and creativity are embedded across the curriculum.
Highlights of our feedback from Arts Council England include:
“All pupils can access a consistent range of arts and cultural provision through work with local arts and cultural organisations in school and on visits outside the classroom, leading to effective showcasing opportunities.”
“Your focus on digital media is really innovative…”
“We really enjoyed hearing the pupil voices coming through in the application and they are beginning to take ownership of their learning.”
Our award is valid for two years.
Please read our Statement of Impact to see how Artsmmark has improved teaching and learning at our school.