“There is a broad curriculum, complemented through extra-curricular and enrichment experiences. These include artistic, cultural and sporting activities and indicate the aspirational, holistic and inclusive view of education running throughout the school. Consequently, pupils of all abilities and backgrounds value themselves, each other and their learning.”
SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodists Schools) report (2019)
Holy Trinity CE Primary School was founded in 1874 with the mission to educate working class children. This is a mission that we are proud to continue today, despite the school being located in an affluent area. However, the way we carry out that mission has changed significantly over the years.

Today our Christian vision is aspirational. Its moves beyond simply equipping pupils for the next stage of their education. It talks of drawing on God’s wisdom and strength to complete the realisation of one’s potential. The hope described here is not mere wishful thinking, but the Christian value of Hope, that encourages us to strive purposefully towards a better future. We aim to develop pupils that can ‘soar on wings like eagles’, using that aerial vantage point to find their role in shaping the world.
We promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils by providing a wide & rich set of experiences, designed to develop their talents and interests. We believe that equity of opportunity is crucial if all pupils are to become the best versions of themselves. Hence, we include as many experiences as possible within the school day, ensuring equal access to all pupils, including the disadvantaged and those with special educational needs. Experiences include meeting a variety of specialists, workshops & visits and participation in performances & competitions. We take regular advantage of the wealth of enrichment opportunities provided by local partners and London’s world-class cultural & other institutions.
Experiences are planned to enrich the curriculum in a meaningful way, or to provide opportunities that our pupils would not have outside of school. The Head of School and subject leaders often work with providers to tailor offers to our pupils’ interests and needs to ensure they are impactful. Each experience is linked to one of our core drivers:
- Raising Aspirations
- Reaching Our Potential
- Learning to Live Well Together
We monitor the range and quality of experiences that we offer our pupils in order to ensure that each year group is equally catered for and that the intended learning has taken place. We use a combination of data and feedback from staff, pupils, parents and providers to evaluate the impact of these experiences.
Extra-curricular Activities
We offer a range of extra-curricular clubs and activities, most very modestly priced. We use partnerships with other local organisations and schools to enrich our provision. Disadvantaged pupils are entitled to one free after school club, regardless of whether they have also taken up a paid club. Some club places are by invitation only (usually offered through a third party), to ensure that the pupils who will benefit the most are prioritised.
Take-up of extra-curricular clubs is monitored in using data and information about the quality of experience is gleaned through feedback from pupils, parents, school staff and providers.