Holy Trinity NW3 Primary School Parent Teacher Association (PTA) was formed on 11th December 2024. The PTA’s application for charitable status is still pending, however it’s agreed objects are to advance the education and wellbeing of the pupils of the school by providing or assisting in the provision of facilities for education at the school.
This includes:
- a) promoting close co-operation and communication between parents and teachers
- b) engaging in activities which support and advance the education of the pupils attending the school, including fundraising.
The Members of the Association comprise of parents or guardians of children attending the school and staff employed at the school. The Trustees of the Association consists of:
Chairperson – Melody Taheri
Secretary – Laura Hall
Treasurer – Andrew Bloomer
The Association shall have the power to do anything considered by the General Committee to be in furtherance of the aims. This includes the power:-
- a) to raise funds and invite and receive contributions in furtherance of the aims of the Association
- b) to purchase, retain and sell any assets of any description
- c) to pay from the funds of the Association all the proper costs and expenses incurred by the General Committee in establishing and administering the charity and funds of the Association.
- d) to allow a charity trustee to benefit from trustee indemnity insurance cover purchased at the charity’s expense in accordance with, and subject to the conditions in, section 189 of the Charities Act 2011.
- e) to pay proper and reasonable remuneration to staff, professional and technical advisers whose services are, in the opinion of the General Committee, required for the carrying out of the purposes of the Association
- f) to establish and operate a bank account in the name of the Association provided that cheques drawn on such accounts shall not be signed by less than two members of the General Committee.
We will soon be launching a Regular Giving Program, however in the meantime if you wish to make a donation to support the school please contact [email protected].