
All children should read daily.  They have a reading journal to record their reading in.  These are checked by teaching staff to ensure that reading is taking place.  Any type of reading can be recorded, not just school books e.g. comics, newspapers.

Reception and Year 1 pupils will  take home phonically decodable books that follow the phonics programme being taught in school.

Year 2 may also/or have a guided reading book to read.

Where children still need to practise their phonics higher up the school, they will still receive a phonically decodable book.

40 Books

All children receive a reading book from our special collection of 40 high quality reading books.  The collection includes classics, award winning titles and teachers’ favourites.  The aim is that all children will have read at least 40 excellent books before they leave school.

Top Tips

Watch the author of the Gruffalo, Julia Donaldson’s top tips  for reading with your child at home.

KS1 and KS2 Homework

Home work is given out on Wednesday afternoons and should be handed in on the following Monday.

Each child will have:

  • A CPG book for English and Maths – they will be told what pages to complete
  • Spellings
  • They may be asked to complete projects for some subjects

What to do if you get stuck!

Look at your child’s homework with them when they receive it.  This will give you time to seek support if you need it. Teaching methods change all the time, so don’t worry if you aren’t sure what to do.

If you’re stuck:

  • Ask/message your child’s teacher – they will be happy to model methods if need be
  • Ask an older sibling – they are probably more familiar with the methods and content
  • Look up facts on websites like BBC Bitesize
  • Use the links below!

Click here for tips on how to help your child at home with English (reading, phonics, grammar, punctuation and spelling) and maths.

These are the Maths methods we use in this school to each addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.