The Winchester Club is an option for after school care until 6pm. Parents, please note that you are not guaranteed a place at The Winchester Club because your child attends Holy Trinity. The Winchester Club also serves other schools in the area, so please contact The Winchester Club directly when you apply for a place at the school.

Kim and the team at The Winch offer a warm welcome to pupils and their families. Having supported the school for many years, The Winch know our pupils well and their space feels very much like an extension of the school.
Pupils are collected by the team from the school playground at 3.30pm and are walked over to the site on nearby Winchester Road. Parents collect their pupils directly from Winchester Road by 6pm.
Pupils enjoy a range of activities at the Winch, including indoor and outdoor play.
What do our pupils say about The Winch?
“Coming to The Winch has really built my confidence. I like to help Kim and the team out and sometimes I run an activity for the younger kids.” Year 6 pupil
“The best thing about the Winch is the tuck! I like the fruit and snacks that we have.” Year 3 pupil
“My favourite thing is football on Friday, because we get to use the big pitch at the leisure centre.” Year 4 pupil
“I like that we do lots of crafts and I can do drawings.” Year 1 pupil
“The Transitions Club for Year 6 pupils is great, because we can do things that get us ready for secondary school.” Year 6 pupil