The Governing Body

Our governing body is made up of parents, staff and members of the local community. Together they are responsible for making sure the school is run well. They look at finance, the curriculum, health and safety, premises, staffing, admissions and special needs and, working with the leadership team, they decide on the school’s policy for each of these areas. The governors spend at least one day in school every year talking to children and staff. Governors are always keen to hear the views of parents.
For more details regarding the Governing Body click the link below.
Governors Annual Declaration of Interest 2024-2025 can be found here:

The attendance record for the governing body  can be found here:

Role of the Governing Body (GB)

Although the school is run on a day to day basis by the headteacher, the governing body is accountable for the school’s overall performance. Governors work closely with the headteacher to set the overall direction and aims of the school and to monitor progress. They act as a ‘critical friend’ to the school offering a balance of support and challenge. Responsibilities include appointing the Headteacher and other senior staff, overseeing the school’s finances, making sure the curriculum is balanced and broadly based and setting targets for pupil achievement.

Holy Trinity governors are actively involved in the life of the school, making regular visits to meet school staff and to see pupil learning and achievement for themselves.

The governors meet at least once a term as a full governing body. They have a detailed update from the headteacher, discuss all the major issues for the school, review how they are doing against the aims they set themselves and agree the annual budget.

There are also two regular committees which meet once a term and each governor is a member of at least one committee. The two committees are:

  • Outcomes, Curriculum and Assessment committee (Chair: Belle Santos)
  • Finance, Safeguarding and Human Resources committee (Chair: Andrew Hull)

Who is on the Governing Body?

The governing body consists of:

  1. 2 Parent Governors
  2. 1 Local Authority Governor
  3. 2 Staff Governors, including the Head Teacher
  4. 7 foundation governors

The total number of governors is 12.

Foundation governors are appointed as follows:

  1. 2 by the London Diocesan Board of Schools
  2. 2 by the PCC of Holy Trinity Church, NW3
  3. 2 by the North Camden Deanery Synod

Becoming a governor

We advertise vacancies as they arise but feel free to contact any current governor if you are interested in becoming a governor. Useful websites to look at include:

Minutes of Governing Body Meetings

Please contact the office if you require copies of the minutes from governing body meetings via [email protected]