Raising Aspirations

Students learn about the history of these islands and the individuals and events that have shaped them.  They learn that Britain has changed over time and continues to evolve in response to the world around her and the many different peoples that have made her their home.  Pupils study inspiring individuals or groups that have made a signicant contribution to our history despite opposition, or in response to injustices.  The aim of this is to show that no-one is insignificant and they too can change history.  Pupils also study some periods when Britain, or parts of it, suffered adversity.  The aim is to give a rounded view of our nation’s history and show that Britain often emerges from difficult events changed, but stronger for them.

Reaching our Potential

A key part of our history lessons is teaching pupils to ‘think like a historian’.  Each lesson begins with an enquiry question that pupils answer by the end of the unit.  These questions are designed to engage and stretch pupils’ ability to interpret histrorical sources and arrive at answers.

We make use of the wealth of historical sites, monuments and museums that London has on offer.  In doing so, we hope to bring history alive for all pupils and help them to develop an enthusiasm for the subject.  We also hope to strengthen pupils’ knowledge and appreciation of their local area, thus developing their identities as Londoners.

Learning to Live Well Together

In history, students learn about the pillars upon which different civili sations were built, including cultures and people different from their own. An important part of all history units is examining the legacy of civilizations around the world and their impact on our lives today. We encourage students to consider how much we have in common with societies that, on first impression, appear very different to our own. We also hope to foster a sense of appreciation for the achievements and innovations of other cultures and their lasting impact on our lives today.

History Subject Overview

History Progression Map