Collective Worship Timetable
Children of all faiths enjoy worship, as it provides a valuable opportunity to be part of the whole school community and reflect on what is means to “live well together.”
Collective worship is carried out on a daily basis. Worship focusses on one of our Christian values each half-term.
Collective Worship timetable
Mondays – All classes attend worship in the school hall. A key question related to one of our Christian values is introduced and explored through Bible stories and scripture.
Tuesdays – All classes explore the week’s key question further with their teachers in class.
Wednesday – All classes join our friends at The Lighthouse London either at church or in the school hall for a service led by the Children’s Pastor.
Thursday – Singing worship with Mr Miller. Our specialist music teacher leads this worship.
Friday – All classes attend worship in the school hall. The key question is revisited.