‘The personal and character development of pupils is excellently supported through, for example, the commendable pastoral care. There is an exemplary emphasis on pupils’, and indeed staff, wellbeing and flourishing.’

SIAMS inspection report, 2019

Dedicated Pastoral Support Worker

Ms Toplis is our Pastoral Support Worker.  She works with children who may be struggling with their emotions or need to develop skills important for their wellbeing.  The support offered varies depending on the needs of the child, but may include group interventions such as  Lego Therapy and Talk About or 1:1 interventions such as Drawing & Talking Therapy.  Ms Toplis also offers a drop-in session, so children know they can express any concerns in a safe space.

Children are referred to Ms Toplis by the SENDCo after discussion with teachers, parents and other professionals.

Open Minded – Camden Child and Young Person Mental Health Service

We are lucky to be very close to the Tavistock & Portman, who support the emotional health and wellbeing of children, young people and their families in Camden.  The school can make referrals to this service on behalf or parents or parents are able to self-refer.

More information and referral forms can be found here:

Open Minded

The Anna Freud Centre

The Anna Freud Centre, wich is local to the school also publishes tips for parents on how to talk about mental health with your children.  .

Parent leaflet

Supporting mental health and wellbeing in schools

Further advice is available at:https://www.minded.org.uk/